Patient Preps 

Please scroll down the page to view the patient prep.


For your convenience, please wear a two-piece outfit. Do not use deodorant, powder, or perfume under the arm or breast area.


If you need sedation for claustrophobia, you must have someone else drive you to and from your exam. We call all patients two to three days before their appointments to confirm your appointment time and to determine the patient’s physical eligibility for an MRI. If you are unable to receive our call or if you have any questions, please call us at (352) 671-4300.

  • Do not wear jewelry.

  • You will be asked to change into MRI approved attire prior to your scan.


For your convenience, please wear a two-piece outfit. Do not use deodorant, powder, or perfume under the arm or breast area.


CT’s of the abdomen and pelvis usually require a 24 hour prep. You may be asked not to eat or drink anything for one or more hours before your exam. The prep supplies for CT abdomen and pelvis exams are available for you to pick up at the location where your exam is scheduled. If you have any questions regarding your exam, please call (352) 671-4300.


You will be asked not to eat or drink anything for one or more hours before your exam. If you have any questions regarding your exam, please call (352) 671-4300.

CT Colonography (Virtual Colonoscopy)

All patients are required to prep the day before their exam. For specific bowel prep instructions, please download the appropriate PDF below:


You will be asked not to eat or drink anything for four hours before your exam. You will need to arrive 1.5 hours prior to your appointment time to begin the oral prep. If you have any questions regarding your exam, please call (352) 671-4300.


  • No calcium supplements or osteoporosis medication 24 hours prior to your exam.

  • No barium, nuclear medicine or I.V. contrast exams within 7 days prior your exam.

  • Please wear comfortable clothes and avoid metal buttons or buckles.


For your convenience, please wear a two-piece outfit. Do not use deodorant, powder, or perfume under the arm or breast area.

Please bring your most recent mammography if done at a facility other than Women’s Imaging Center or TimberRidge Imaging Center.



  • 24-hour prep done the day before exam

  • Breakfast Liquid diet. No sugar. No dairy.
    Noon Light lunch. Clear soup, unsweetened fruit juices, sugar-free gelatin, black coffee or plain tea. No milk or cream.

  • 1:00 PM Drink 8 ounces of water.

  • 2:00 PM Drink 8 ounces of water.

  • 3:00 PM Drink 8 ounces of water.

  • 4:00 PM Drink 8 ounces of water.

  • 5:00 PM Liquid dinner. Clear soup, unsweetened fruit juices, sugar-free gelatin, black coffee or plain tea. No milk or cream.

  • 5:30 PM Drink one 10-ounce bottle of Magnesium Citrate.

  • 6:00 PM Drink 8 ounces of water.

  • 7:00 PM Drink 8 ounces of water.

  • 8:00 PM Drink 8 ounces of water.

  • 9:00 PM Drink 8 ounces of water.

  • 9:30 PM Take 3 Bisacodyl tablets with water. Do not chew.

Morning of Exam

  • Do not eat or drink. You may take any prescribed medications, except for those that must be taken with food.

  • Administer Bisacodyl suppository.

  • Diabetic patients may have a liquid breakfast (12 ounces of sweetened fruit juice) and take their medication.

Gastrointestinal Series (UGI and/or Small Bowel)
Nothing by mouth after midnight (this includes water). No water should be drank after midnight.

Intravenous Pyelogram or Nephrotomography

  • Clear liquid diet (no milk products) starting at noon on the day before the exam. Sugar substitutes are permitted.

  • Do not take anything by mouth 3 hours prior to the exam. You may take any prescribed medications except for those that must be taken with food.


If you need sedation for claustrophobia, you must have someone else drive you to and from your exam. We call all patients one to three days before their appointment to confirm your appointment time and to determine the patient’s physical eligibility for an MRI. If you are unable to receive our call or if you have any questions, please call us at (352) 671-4300.

  • Do not wear jewelry

  • You will be asked to change into MRI approved attire prior to your scan.

  • Patients having an MRI of the head or neck should not wear makeup.

MRI Guided Breast Biopsy

We call all patients two to three days before their appointments to confirm your appointment time and to determine the patient’s physical eligibility for an MRI. If you are unable to receive our call or if you have any questions, please call us at (352) 671-4300.

There are several things you can do to make your procedure easier, more efficient and more comfortable.

  • Do not wear jewelry

  • You will be asked to change into MRI approved attire prior to your scan.

  • Discuss any medication you are taking with your clinician. You may be asked to stop the use of blood-thinning medications, including aspirin, a number of days prior to your biopsy procedure.

  • Do not use deodorant, powder, or perfume under the arm or breast area. They may interfere with the quality of the images taken during your procedure.

  • Eat a light meal before your procedure.


  • Must be able to lie still for up to 90 minutes.

  • Do not wear anything with metal (zippers, snaps, hooks). Athletic wear with elastic waistband is a good choice.

  • Take necessary pain medications before leaving home and bring additional pain medication with you at time of visit.

  • Claustrophobic patients should take Valium prior to leaving home and arrive with a driver.

  • May take any other prescribed medications, as long as they can be tolerated on an empty stomach.

  • No food for 6 hours prior to study. May drink water, but no other type of liquid is allowed.

  • Glucose levels will be checked prior to exam.

  • Insulin dependent patients may bring insulin with them to be administered after their scan.

  • No physical activity for 48 hours prior to exam.


There are several things you can do to make your procedure easier, more efficient and more comfortable.

  • Discuss any medication you are taking with your clinician. You may be asked to stop the use of blood-thinning medications, including aspirin, a number of days prior to your biopsy procedure.

  • Wear a two-piece outfit that is comfortable and easy to remove.

  • Do not use deodorant, powder, or perfume under the arm or breast area. They may interfere with the quality of the images taken during your procedure.

  • Eat a light meal before your procedure.


You and your neurologist will need to confirm the medications you are currently taking with the radiologist at RAO, and may be asked to discontinue their use before having a DaTscan.


There is no preparation before the first day of your exam, however, during your first visit you will receive a laxative to use at home that afternoon before your scan on day 2.


  • 1. NPO for 6 – 8 hours

  • 2. Do not take meds that contain morphine, Demoral or other opiates (Narcotics) for 48 hours before scan.

  • 3. Do not take antispasmodic medications for 48 hours before scan (see attached list )

  • 4 .Do not take Reglan or Erythromycin for 48 hours before scan

  • 5. Do not take laxatives day prior to the exam

  • 6. Exam takes up to 3 hours


1. mCi Sulfur Colloid is consumed by mouth, with oatmeal.


If you are on thyroid medications or preparations that contain iodine, you will be asked to stop taking these medications. Depending on the type of medication you are taking, we will make sure you have discontinued taking it for the appropriate amount of time before the thyroid scan. This can be up to 6 weeks prior to the scan.


RAO performs joint pain injections at the Medical Imaging Center and TimberRidge Imaging Center. To schedule an appointment, please contact 352-671-4300.


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We take your trust and care to heart. That’s why we maintain ongoing accreditation in key diagnostic services from the American College of Radiology, so you can feel confident regarding the safety and accuracy of your care. To see specific accreditations per imaging center, please visit our Locations page.